
Prof. Adepu Kumar

PhD (Osmania University )


Department of Mechanical Engineering

Room No: 453-D +91-870-2462355
9492783067 Edit Profile Bio Sketch

Research Areas

  Additive Manufacturing Process

 Dissimilar joining of materials

 Electrical Discharge Machining of Titanium alloys

 Friction stir Additive Manufacturing process

 Friction stir welding/ Friction stir Processing

  • Courses Handled
  • Research IDs
  • Selected Publications
  • Project/Consultancy
  • Current PhD Students
  • Awards and Accolades
  • Additional Responsibilities
  • Advanced Manufacturing Technology Laboratory(ME26007)
  • Advanced Manufacturing Technology(ME26001)
  • Design of Weldments(MM26021)
  • Polymer Printing Laboratory(ME5706)
  • Additive Manufacturing Processes(ME5702)
  • Seminar - I(ME5248)
  • Advanced Manufacturing Technology(ME5251)
  • Materials and Part Characterization Laboratory(ME5754)
  • AM and MCT Laboratory(ME5254)
  • Mechatronics System Design(ME5603)
  • Advanced Materials Processing and Testing Laboratory(ME5605)
  • ORC ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3965-2984
  • SCOPUS ID: 56297565300
  • Google Scholar ID: https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?hl=en&user=BG5DUzwAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate

  • Effect of external cooling on fatigue crack growth behavior of friction stir processed AA6061 alloy, By MVNV Satyanarayana, Bathula Sowmya, Adepu Kumar, Elsevier, Engineering Fracture Mechanics,, vol.261, pp.108236, 2022
  • Effect of Dielectric Fluid with Surfactant and Graphite Powder on Electrical Discharge Machining of Titanium Alloy using Taguchi Method, By MurahariKolli , Adepu Kumar, Elsevier, Engineering Science and Technology: an International Journal, vol.18(4), pp.524-325, 2015
  • Assessing the Influence of Surfactant and B4C Powder Mixed in Dielectric Fluid on EDM of Titanium Alloy, By MurahariKolli , Adepu Kumar, Springer , Silicon, vol.11, pp.1731-1743, 2019
  • Heat generation model for taper cylindrical pin profile in friction stir welding, By V. S. Gadakh, Adepu Kumar, Elsevier, Journal of Materials Research & Technology, vol.2, pp.370–375, 2013

"Mechanical properties and microstructural evaluation of underwater friction stir additive manufactured AA 6082 Aluminum alloy"

  • Role Co-Principal Investigator
  • Type Research
  • Sponsor Technology Innovation Hub, IIT Guwahati under DST
  • Duration 17 Months
  • Project Cost (INR) 10
  • Status Ongoing

Charecterisation of WAAM Additive Manufactured Components for Electronic Packaging

  • Role Principal Investigator
  • Type Consultancy
  • Sponsor DRDL
  • Duration 35 Months
  • Project Cost (INR) 24.12
  • Status Ongoing

Mechanical And Tribological Characterization of Al-Si product developed by wire arc additive manufacturing

  • Role Co-Principal Investigator
  • Type Research
  • Sponsor ARDB
  • Duration 36 Months
  • Project Cost (INR) 23.4
  • Status Completed

Investigation of interfacial interaction and grain structure development in friction stir welds for dissimilar joining of high strength Aluminium to Titanium alloys

  • Role Principal Investigator
  • Type Research
  • Sponsor DST
  • Duration 18 Months
  • Project Cost (INR) 10.0
  • Status Completed

Effect of tool geometry and cryogenic treatment on mechanical properties of friction stir welded Aluminium alloys

  • Role Principal Investigator
  • Type Research
  • Sponsor ARDB
  • Duration 41 Months
  • Project Cost (INR) 19.3
  • Status Completed

Improvement of Mechanical Properties of Dissimilar Welds of Maraging Steel and AISI 4130 Steel Using various Welding Processes for LRSAM Project

  • Role Principal Investigator
  • Type Research
  • Sponsor DRDL
  • Duration 29 Months
  • Project Cost (INR) 24.4
  • Status Completed

M Swarna

  • Area of Research: Laser surface hardening of Additive manufacturing componen

Ratan Kumar

  • Area of Research: Wire arc additive Manufacturing
  • Best Researcher Award
  • Best Teacher Award
  • Distinguished Alumnus Award
  • Fellow of Telangana Academy of Science
  • Top 2% Scientists
  • Professor-In-Charge, NITW SIEMENS Centre of Excellence (Continuing from August, 2024)
  • Head, Dept.of Mechanical Engineering (August, 2020 - August, 2022)
  • Head , Production Engineering section (July, 2019 - September, 2020)
  • In charge for Material Characterization Lab (Continuing from January, 2018)
  • Program coordinator for M.Tech Manufacturing Engg (January, 2018 - January, 2020)
  • Associate Dean (Academic) (June, 2016 - June, 2018)
  • Deputy Registrar ( Academic) (June, 2016 - June, 2018)
  • Ph.D. Coordinator (January, 2016 - December, 2018)